Mission of the Church

Beg God to Move Again – Seven Marks of True Revival

(Source: https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/beg-god-to-move-again) Revival means many things to many people. I mean it to describe a situation where large numbers of people are fired up to seek God fully, yearn for obedience, confess sin in their life, and experience the joy and freedom of walking with God. History shows us that there is no exact prescription for …

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Some Reflections on the Issues Faced by Palestinian Christians

June 2018 SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE ISSUES FACED BY PALESTINIAN CHRISTIANS (Written after a Conference with Palestinian Christians) Ajith Fernando The Israelis and Prophecies about Them God’s sovereignty was evident in the establishment of the Jewish people as a nation. I marvel at the way this small nation has progressed through the hard work and …

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9 11 A Year After

Written on 9/11/2002 (American system, that is 11th September) Published in Christianity Today   A VIEW FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE GLOBE   Ajith Fernando, Youth for Christ, Sri Lanka   It is a few days after the first anniversary of the tragic events 11th September 2001, and with fear and trembling I …

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Mission Issues For CMS

December 2009   Response to Questions from CMS Australia  Suggested Questions:   1.       Where do you see Mission going in 21st century? Among thinking Evangelicals emphasising mission there is a move away from emphasising proclamation evangelism and a trend towards defining mission in terms of what used to be known as “presence.” Many who talk of …

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